Red Blood Cells containing products .
Packed red blood cells
After the fresh whole blood is collected, it undergoes a process of centrifugation during which it is separated into the supernatant, which is the plasma (turning into fresh frozen plasma) which will be transferred to a nurse collection bag.
What remains is what is called "cell concentrate" which is a thick liquid containing up to 80% red blood cells only. The liquid medium is the remnants of the plasma fluid that were not separated during centrifugation.
The cell concentrate is stored in a refrigerator (1-6 Celsius) - up to 35 days from the date of production of the concentrate.
In any case of symptomatic anaemia: if in case of blood loss due to active bleeding, hemolysis of red blood cells or their reduced production by the bone marrow.
Treatment of anaemic patients who demonstrate normovolemia as well as situations in which there are additional diseases related to the kidneys or heart in which there is a risk of overloading the circulatory system (as in the administration of FWB)
Fresh Whole Blood
Fresh whole blood refers to blood that has just been collected from the donor into a special bag containing an anticoagulant.
The amount collected ranges from 450 ml to 490 ml including the anticoagulant fluid (CPDA1) already in the collection bag, which is 63 ml.
At the time of collection, the product contains all blood components (RBC, WBC, platelets, clotting factors, albumin, globulins, electrolytes, etc.).
Fresh whole blood will continue to be called fresh whole blood (FWB) for a period not exceeding 8 hours from the time of collection while it is at room temperature and not refrigerated.
Indications for use
Treatment of anaemia combined with a deficiency of clotting factors as well as a deficiency of platelets or any other pathology that impairs normal platelet function.
Patients suffering from trauma that combines active blood loss require a transfusion of whole blood.
Giving fresh whole blood to patients who are not hypovolemic or have clotting factor deficiencies may lead to "volume overload" and antigenic stimulation due to excess foreign plasma.
Stored Whole Blood
Fresh whole blood (FWB) that has not been used within 6-8 hours of collection is defined as stored whole blood (SWB).
SWB contains red and white blood cells as well as plasma with poor-quality clotting factors - mainly:
Van Willebrand
.SWB will be valid for 35 day